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  • 数据统计:
  • 176 个主题分类入
  • 53172 个优秀网站
  • 9 个待审网站

  • Google


    Enables users to search the Web, Usenet, and images. Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages.

    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:3795
  • 谷歌



    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:317
  • HotBot Web Search

    HotBot Web Search

    HotBot Search - Search the web using Yahoo, lyGO, and MSN!

    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:353
  • 盘古搜索



    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:356
  • Anzwers Search Engine

    Anzwers Search Engine

    Anzwers.au provides you with relevant Australian, New Zealand and global search listings and directory results on a daily basis.

    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:322
  • AltaVista


    AltaVista provides the most comprehensive search experience on the Web!

    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:315
  • Search Engine Land

    Search Engine Land

    Search Engine Land is a must read hub for news and information about search engine marketing, optimization and how search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Live and Ask work for searchers.

    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:383
  • 雅虎(Yahoo)


    Yahoo! 全球性搜索技术(YST,Yahoo! Search Technology)是一个涵盖全球120多亿网页(其中雅虎中国为12亿)的强大数据库,拥有数十项技术专利、精准运算能力,支持38种语言,近10,000台服务器,服务全球50%以上互联网用户的搜索需求。

    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:337
  • Lycos


    Lycos is your source for all the Web has to offer -- search, free online games, e-mail, free blogs & websites, videos & movies, news, weather and more.

    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:307
  • AlltheWeb


    AlltheWeb combines one of the largest and freshest indices with the most powerful search features that allow anyone to find anything faster than with any other search engine.

    2015-10-21 - 搜索引擎 - 游览:457