- 网站描述:Twitch直播网twitch直播网witch is the world\\\'s leading video platform and community for gamers. More than 45 million gamers gather every month on Twitch to broadcast, watch and chat about gaming. Twitch\\\'s video platform is the backbone of both live and on-demand distribution for the entire video game ecosystem. This includes game publishers, developers, media outlets, industry conventions and press conferences, casual gamers and gaming for charity events. Twitch also caters to the entire esports industry, spanning the top pro players, tournaments, leagues, talk shows and organizations. Learn more at twitch.
- 网站标题:Twitch直播网
- 收录时间:2015-10-17
- 网站TAG:Twitch直播网
- 所属分类:电影视频
- 收录查询:百度查询 | 搜狗查询 | 神马查询 | 360查询
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