盛安德在全球范围内提供为客户带来最大业务价值的软件定?务。在这个过程中,工程师的行业知识得到不断积累,对客户业务的了解与把控能力迅速提升,最终能够站在客户的业务视角思考软件问题,这也是盛安德的核心优势, 在全球500+的客户中赢得了良好的口碑。
2016-08-01 - 软件综合 - 游览:321俺要下载
2016-01-17 - 免费资源 - 游览:804GingerSoftware语言语法拼写检查工具
GingerSoftware:语言语法拼写检查工具是一款可以按语境帮你检查语法和拼写问题的语言工具,Ginger可根据每句话的上下文在 MS-Word、Outlook、PowerPoint、IE 和 Firefox中纠正你的拼写和语法错误。Ginger语言工具由以色列企业家及自然语言专家Yael Karov在2007年创办的。
2015-11-28 - 国外网站 - 游览:223ACDSee Photo Software
ACDSee Photo Software, Picture Viewer, Image Viewer, photo album software, professional photo editing software, photo editor, Digital Camera software, photo sharing software, Canvas Vector Illustration, GIS Imaging, Picture Printing.
2015-11-11 - 软件综合 - 游览:283Software Research
The eValid Website Testing and Analysis Suite helps organizations maintain e-Business presence, improve website quality and integrity, reduce down time, control costs...
2015-11-11 - 软件综合 - 游览:315Software
Software downloads & reviews from experts and users. Find out what other people think, download free trials & save money with our exclusive software discounts.
2015-11-11 - 软件综合 - 游览:292Sunbelt Software
Endpoint Protection - Sunbelt Software is a leading provider of Windows security software including antispyware software, endpoint security software and antivirus software.
2015-11-11 - 网络安全 - 游览:386
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