2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:284PHPAD网络广告管理系统
PHPAD 中国领先的网络广告解决方案提供商!提供网络广告管理系统、网络广告效果分析、网络广告联盟系统、网络广告效果监测、网络营销分析系统 、移动互联网广告、用户行为分析、智能广告投放、个性化推荐引擎等完整网络广告产品解决方案。
2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:264PHPDevShell
a Highly modular plugin based Code Management System and Framework. PHPDevShell can offer you immediate general used functionality with a user interface for your next proje.
2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:305Akelos PHP Framework
The Akelos PHP Framework is a web application development platform based on the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern.
2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:283PRADO PHP Framework
PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web applications in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented.
2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:283Zoop Framework for PHP
An Object Oriented Framework for PHP, Zoop Framework caters to the programmer and includes ajax and validation. Zoop also features a PHP implementation of.
2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:290Quick PHP Framework
QPHP is an event-driven(EDP), component-based web framework similar as architecture to ASP.NET
2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:294CakePHP
CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications. Using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm, CakePHP reduces development costs and helps developers write less code.
2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:291PHP100中文网
2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:310PHP
Server-side HTML embedded scripting language. It provides web developers with a full suite of tools for building dynamic websites.
2015-10-21 - 程序编程 - 游览:257
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