2015-10-23 - 互联网 - 游览:394W3CPlus
W3CPLUS是一个前端爱好者的家园,W3CPLUS努力打造最优秀的web 前端学习的站点。W3CPLUS力求原创,以一起学习,一起进步,共同分享为原则。W3CPLUS站提供了有关于css,css3,html,html5,jQuery,手机移动端的技术文档、DEMO、资源,与前端爱好者一起共勉。
2015-10-23 - 互联网 - 游览:367Network World
Network news, trend analysis, product testing and the industry\'s most important blogs, all collected at the most popular network watering hole on the Internet.
2015-10-23 - 互联网 - 游览:357PC World
PC World is your trusted source for tech product reviews, tech news, how-to\'s and free downloads.
2015-10-23 - 互联网 - 游览:323IDGWorldExpo
IDG is recognized worldwide as a leader in exhibition management, producing more than 750 globally branded conferences and events in 55 countries.
2015-10-23 - 互联网 - 游览:320ITworld
ITworld delivers strategic analysis, best practices, news and product information to better inform IT professionals on today\'s leading tech topics.
2015-10-23 - 互联网 - 游览:346InfoWorld
InfoWorld is the leading technology resource for IT managers and decision makers to identify new products and strategies to modernize IT.
2015-10-23 - 互联网 - 游览:371CSO Online
CSO - information security & physical security thought leadership - news, analysis, how-tos & jobs.
2015-10-23 - 互联网 - 游览:474环美家居Universal furniture
环美家居(Universal Furniture)是台升国际集团旗下品牌,环美家具(Universal Furniture)是一个国际著名家具品牌, 主要的市场在北美地区, 目前环美家居的营销网络, 已经遍布世界各地。环美家具早期是一个美国的家具品牌, 以亚洲地区的生产优势, 生产出合乎美国市场的家具, 由咖啡桌, 茶几等简单的产品开始, 逐步发展到餐桌椅, 柜类, 床组和全系列产品。在美国市场上, 以设立经销商或在大卖场设立专柜的方式, 拓展环美在美国家具市场上的业绩, 逐渐加大环美在美国市场上的份额。
2015-10-23 - 房产家居 - 游览:248香榭丽舍CHAMPS ELYSEES欧美整体家居家饰网
2015-10-23 - 房产家居 - 游览:334
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